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The Grand Opening of 'The Snuggery CIC' by The Mayor of Walsall.

'The Snuggery CIC, located inside the 3 Elephants Antiques shop, Walsall, was founded on 23rd December 2023. On Saturday 11th May, the grand opening of the snuggery took place by where a celebration was made, the cutting of the ribbon by The Mayor of Walsall, Councillor Chris Towe.

The aims of 'The Snuggery CIC' are to support mentally disabled adults in the Walsall area who have no living support system or who are not interested. The adults that The Snuggery support are usually high functioning but have difficulties with the modern world including navigating smartphones, banking etc.

It has been found that people who have a mental disability are very lonely because of being excluded due to being unaware of a wider support system, but also a lack of trust in people. Sadly, there are many people each year who are taken advantage of because of their disability.

The Snuggery therefore have brilliantly gapped the bridge between disability and difficulty by offering a free service where they can volunteer in the shop or even just pop by and have a chat, a cup of tea or purchase something from the snuggery.

By having a trustworthy group of people and a familiar setting to attend, this improves the mental health and wellbeing of service users. Often, it is found that people who attend, The Snuggery are in need of help and support and 'The Snuggery CIC' are offering a fantastic local service to an otherwise vulnerable group of individuals.

Grand Opening of 'The Snuggery CIC' - Left to Right Victoria Loxodonta (Founder), Cllr Chris Towe (Mayor of Walsall, Christopher Loxodonta (Founder) & Louisa Hughes (Mayoress of Walsall).

Speech on 'The Snuggery CIC' by The Mayor of Walsall and his Mayoress Louisa Hughes

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